
Microsoft directx windows 10
Microsoft directx windows 10

microsoft directx windows 10 microsoft directx windows 10 microsoft directx windows 10

You only have to follow the instructions given by the setup. Run the setup and install DirectX on your PC. Just type cmd in the Search box to find the application. Go to Microsoft’s DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer webpage. To find and fix any corrupted system files on your computer, open Command Prompt as an administrator.Corrupted drivers and system files can often throw weird errors and can be hard to diagnose. If you’ve installed DirectX correctly, updated your computer, and even checked for any conflicting services, the only possibility remaining is data corruption. Method #4: Run System File Checker in Command Prompt Aby uzyska najnowsz wersj programu DirectX dla zainstalowanej wersji systemu Windows, naley uy usugi Windows Update. Once done, remember to go back to the System Configuration app and select Normal startup to set things back to the default. We recommend enabling them one by one to find the offending application, after which you can uninstall or disable it. If it is, then one of the services from the previous list is the culprit. This only allows us to check if any third-party application might be interfering with your DirectX installation.Īll you now need to do is to restart your PC and see if DirectX is functioning. Many of the services on this list, while not essential, are still somewhat useful and need to be working for the best performance of your computer.

Microsoft directx windows 10